Designing XDB API
Let's start by implementing the data model, persistence and retrieval APIs.
is the core building block of XDB. It is a combination of key, name and value. Both attributes and edges are represented as tuples.
Attributes are created with xdb.NewAttr
text := xdb.NewAttr(
xdb.NewKey("Post", "9bsv0s5ocl6002kdg0fg"),
xdb.String("Hello World"),
XDB implements a value type system allowing developers to store and retrieve Go primitive types, lists and custom types. Custom types must implement one of encoding.BinaryMarshaler
or json.Marshaler
Edges are tuples whose value is a Key. Edges are created with xdb.NewEdge
liked := xdb.NewEdge(
xdb.NewKey("Post", "9bsv0s5ocl6002kdg0fg"),
xdb.NewKey("User", "9bsv0s3p32i002qvnf50"),
Edges have a special nature. 1:1 edges behave like attributes. They can be retrieved by specifying the key and name.
1:N edges can be retrieved by in two ways. First, by specifying the key and name. This will return all the edges with the name. Second, by specifying the key, name and the target key. This is useful to check if an edge exists.
Tuple Store
The first capability of XDB is to store and retrieve tuples. The xdb.TupleStore
interface defines the persistence API.
type TupleStore interface {
PutTuples(ctx context.Context, tuples ...*Tuple) error
GetTuples(ctx context.Context, refs ...*Ref) ([]*Tuple, error)
DeleteTuples(ctx context.Context, refs ...*Ref) error
is a reference to any tuple. It is used as a way to refer to a tuple in APIs.
All storage engines must, at least, implement TupleStore
interface. XDB provides a MemoryStore
as a reference implementation and for testing.
The XDB codebase is available at